- Tradeskill: Added HEHE Meat recipe to Baking.
- Spells: Song: Sionachie's Dreams is now avaialble in Luclin era only.
- Char Creation: Fixed several race/class/deity combinations that were incorrectly spawning in Crescent Reach. The fixed combinations include:
- Human Warrior Innoruuk
- Human Cleric Erollsi Marr
- Human Cleric Mithaniel Marr
- Human SK Bertox
- Human Bard Rallos Zek
- Human Bard Agnostic
- Human Bard Agnostic
- Human Rogue Bertox
- Human Rogue Erollsi Marr
- Human Rogue Bristlebane
- Human Rogue Innoruuk
- Human Rogue Agnostic
- Human Wizard Innoruuk
- Half Elf Warrior Bertox
- Human Wizard Bertox
- If any further ones are creating in Crescent Reach, please report the race/class/deity in Discord.
- freporte: Fixed Giz Dinree faction hits
- freporte: Fixed Groflah Steadirt faction hits.
- freporte: Guard Bribbely now spawns in Velious.
- freporte: Ikthar Fireheart is now on the correct faction.
- freporte: Jaleel Hoglomp is now on the correct faction.
- freporte: Kargek Redblade now spawns in Kunark era.
- freporte: Miocaei Herlsas now spawns in LDoN era.
- freporte: Palana Willin is now on League of Antonican Bards faction.
- freporte: Rin Distlemor now has the correct faction.
- freporte: Roghur Muleson now has the correct faction.
- freporte: Runthar now gives the correct faction decreases when killed.
- freporte: Tykar Renlin no longer gives - Truespirit faction when killed.
- freporte: Wenden Blackhammer now spawns in Kunark era.
- highpass: Fixed a guard faction hits.
- highpass: Fixed Cytodl Krish faction hits.
- highpass: Added missing merchant Marlin Shirtov.
- highpass: Fixed Gornolin's faction.
- highpass: Fixed Swiftfinger's faction hits.
- highpass: Removed NPC Scar from highpass.
- highpass: Added Swiftfingers.
- highpass: Added Lydl the Great.
- highpass: Jovan and Gublink Furnhorn now share the same spawn.
- highpass: Added missing NPC Burgek.
- highpass: Fixed Burgek's faction.
- highpass: Fixed Highpass Citizen's faction.
- highpass: Fixed Dalishea's faction.
- highpass: Fixed Greth Truksorn's faction.
- highpass: Increase faction hits from Captain Ashlan.
- highpass: Fixed Dylin Starshine's faction hits.
- highpass: Added path grid to Commander Thafer.
- highpass: Added two missing "a guard" spawns.
- highpass: Fixed Brenon faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Added several missing static orc spawns to the orc area.
- highpass: Add missing NPC "Guard Stald".
- highpass: Increased faction hits from Captain Orben
- highpass: Added invisible zoner to East Karana.
- highpass: Fixed Bryan McGee's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Fixed Barn Bloodstone's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Fixed Mutt Rootlit's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Added several missing static gnoll spawns to the gnoll area.
- highpass: Added missing NPC Volunteer Delharn.
- highpass: Added missing NPC Lylea.
- highpass: Fixed Lylea's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Add merchant items to "a dealer".
- highpass: Fixed faction hits from Malik Zaren.
- highpass: Fixed Prak's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Fixed Crenn Salbet's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Fixed Wres Corber's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Fixed Breck Damison's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Fixed Kaden Gron's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Fixed Gublink Furnhorn's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Fixed Jovan's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Vranol Blackguard now spawns in PoP era.
- highpass: Fixed Falyn Farreach's faction and faction hits.
- highpass: Added invisible zoner back to Kithicor.
- eastkarana: Amended zone point into Highpass.
- highkeep: Changed Lozani spawn mechanics to be more accurate.
- qcat: Skeletons now give minus faction hits to Bloodsabers.
- oot: Add missing death/engage emotes to Wiltin Windwalker.
- neriakc: Ratraz quest file created.
- misty: Added pathing to Deputy Looh
- kithicor: Fixed faction hits for Kobb (Tiger).
- kithicor: Fixed faction hits for Eenot (Tiger).
- kithicor: Fixed faction hits for Reggit (Tiger).
- kithicor: Updated zone point into Highpass.
- cauldron: Removed Cauldron Prawns from foraging and dropped loot tables (will redrop in Luclin).
- cauldron: Cauldron Shell for Totemic Bracer is slightly more common.